Our Second Opinion Service

Here you will meet our renowned experts to review your case and treatment options. If diagnosed with a critical condition or if you have any medical problem or query, before you decide on the way forward for your treatment, you should apply for an additional review of your case with our specialists to obtain a reliable, professional and independent second medical opinion.

Our goal is to help you understand your options to select the best treatment plan for yourself.

Maitreya Bodhi

Second Opinion Clinic Process



Call or fill the online form with relevant information



We will review the case based on the information provided. We will determine what service is needed for you


Report Collection

Obtain and complete all the previous medical records and test results from you.


Analysis and Assignment

Once the analysis is completed, a relevant second opinion consultant will be assigned

Why Should You Consider Getting a Second Opinion?

In simple terms, a second medical opinion is when a second specialist studies the patient’s medical file and gives another opinion on the diagnosis and treatment options.

A correct diagnosis is crucial for the avoidance of a potentially fatal medical mistake. Our Second Opinion Clinic brings the best and most respected specialists to your doorstep. These specialists will provide an independent second diagnosis that can have a crucial and life saving effect in the avoidance of a medical mistake.

However, in the case of emergency surgeries, the surgery should be performed as quickly as possible and, most likely, there will not be time to obtain a second opinion. The necessity of getting a second opinion should always be weighed against the severity and urgency of the medical condition.

It is your right to receive a second opinion.